Have you recently attempted to get an EIN on your own and received an error message or
Reference Number? If so, it`s
important you understand this is a common issue and by no means should you feel isolated. We
have several clients that
use our service to help them resolve issues with getting an EIN (Tax ID) Number from the
In this section we will review the most common EIN Application Errors or Reference Numbers
our clients encounter and
what they mean.
IRS EIN Reference Number 101
IRS EIN Reference Number 101 means there is name conflict issue. For a Sole Proprietor
applicant it could mean you
already have an EIN on file with the IRS. For an LLC applicant it could mean that resembles
your business name too
IRS EIN Reference Number 109
IRS EIN Reference Number 109 means the EIN Online Assistant is experiencing technical
difficulties. It could also mean
you`ve accessed the EIN online Assistant outside the hours of operation or one of your
entries doesn`t meet the
eligibility requirement to obtain an EIN.
IRS EIN Reference Number 114
IRS EIN Reference Number 114 means the Responsible Party listed on the EIN Application has
already received the maximum
number of EINs allowed for the day. The IRS limits the number of EINs issued to a
Responsible Party to one per day.
IRS EIN Reference Number 115
IRS EIN Reference Number 115 means the IRS system indicate the Responsible party listed on
the EIN Application is
showing to be deceased after running a date of death inquiry.
Our EIN specialists have a great deal of experience when it comes to assisting our clients
with obtaining EINs that have
resulted in any of these Reference Numbers. Our system is designed to streamline these
problematic application types
from start to finish. We provide the IRS everything they need to resolve these Reference
Number errors and assign our
clients EIN in the quickest manner possible.